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Full Building Survey (FBS)

What it is

A Full Building Survey is 20-25 page long and gives you a comprehensive report on any property – including flats and leasehold premises.

Click here to view a sample survey for a house or a flat >

What it does

The Full Building Survey includes:

  • A full, detailed report on the condition of every accessible part of the structure
  • A list of every defect (large and small)
  • A maintenance plan so you can look after or improve the condition of the property and make it easier to sell in the future
  • A cost summary listing all the defects, describing what must be done to put them right, and giving a general estimate of how much the necessary repairs will cost.

Many people find the cost summary particularly useful as it may allow you to renegotiate the purchase price of the property, to cover all or some of the work that is needed.

Even if you can’t get a lower price, the Full Building Survey gives a clear indication of the work that needs to be done and its likely cost over the next 5-6 years. So if the purchase goes ahead, you will at least know what you’re letting yourself in for!

What you need to know

  • This survey will tell you what you need to know about the property.
  • We are working for you – the contract is between you, as buyer, and us as the building surveyor.
  • If there are problems, the cost summary could help you negotiate a lower price.
  • You will have a clear idea of repair and maintenance costs in the short and longer term.

What we think

At Anderson Associates we charge exactly the same fee for the Home Buyer Survey and for the Full Survey – so we always recommend the Full Survey. It offers you better value for money and gives you far more detailed information.

If you have doubts about the condition of the basic structure of a building you may need a Full Structural Survey – we can help you decide which type of property survey you need when you contact us.

Click here to enquire about a full building survey, or call us on 01473 623 656 or freephone 0800 652 8285.


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Whether you need a simple valuation or a full structural survey as well as being expert building surveyors we’re happy to give you free, impartial advice on anything to do with buildings and property.
Anderson Associates
(Head Office & Correspondence Address)
Warneford House, Portal Avenue
Martlesham Heath, Ipswich
Suffolk IP5 3QY
T. 01473 623 656
T. 0800 652 8285
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Registered Office: Anderson Associates (Surveying) Ltd. | Warneford House, Portal Avenue, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, Suffolk IP5 3QY
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