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Home Buyer Survey & Valuation (HBR)

What it is

The Home Buyer Survey and Valuation is a private report supplied to you as a prospective buyer. It’s a pro-forma document about 10-15 pages long designed by the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors).

What it does

This type of property survey is only meant to tell you about any significant or major progressive defects – and to show how these defects might affect the house valuation.

It won’t always tell you how to put any defects right – but will advise you to make further enquiries or investigations.

What you need to know

  • It doesn’t give you the full story about the property – you would need a Full Building Survey or even a structural survey instead.
  • We are working for you – the contract is between you, as buyer, and us as the surveyor.

What we think

We don’t recommend a Home Buyer Survey regardless of the age or perceived condition of a property – we believe it doesn’t really give you enough information, or enough detail to make a really informed decision whether or not to buy the property. You can get much more information for the same money with the Full Building Survey.

Click here to enquire about a home buyer survey, or call us on 01473 623 656 or freephone 0800 652 8285.


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Whether you need a simple valuation or a full structural survey as well as being expert building surveyors we’re happy to give you free, impartial advice on anything to do with buildings and property.
Anderson Associates
(Head Office & Correspondence Address)
Warneford House, Portal Avenue
Martlesham Heath, Ipswich
Suffolk IP5 3QY
T. 01473 623 656
T. 0800 652 8285
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Registered Office: Anderson Associates (Surveying) Ltd. | Warneford House, Portal Avenue, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, Suffolk IP5 3QY
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